C'est mardi 21 mai, 21h-22h30 en direct sur les ondes de Campus FM
Hello my friends ! Pour cette seconde édition du "Deep Down In Mind Show" on va osciller dans la vague psychédélique américaine et anglaise de la fin des années 60 et début des années 70. On est alors dans un époque ou la musique s’électrifie, les jeunes ont accès a du matériel et jouent dans leur garage..Les groupes se font aussi vite qu'il se défont, avec des idoles comme Jimmy Hendrix ou les Buffalo Springfield. Coté folk, l'occident s'ouvre au monde et s'inspire de ses sonorités pour les mettres au gout du jour, sauce psychédélique. Au programme donc pas mal de petites cachées, ou distorsion, reverb, flanger seront au rendez vous !
See ya,
Hello my friends! For this second edition of the "Deep Down In Mind Show" we will oscillate in the American and English psychedelic wave of the late 60s and early 70s. We are then in an era where music is becoming electrified, young people have access to equipment and play in their garage. Groups are formed as quickly as they fall apart, with idols like Jimmy Hendrix or Buffalo Springfield. On the folk side, the West opens up to the world and draws inspiration from its sounds to bring them up to date, with a psychedelic sauce. On the program, quite a few little hidden ones, where distortion, reverb, flanger will be there!
01 - Beverly - Clayton W. Scott (Hawaï, US, 1979)
02 - Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit (California, US, 1967)
03 - John's Children - Strange Affair (Leatherhead, UK,1970)
04 - Peter And The Wolves - Something In The Way She Moves (UK, 1970)
05 - Georgie Leonard - Dirty Cowboy (Rhode Island, US, 1971)
06 - Pearls Before Swine – [Oh Dear] Miss Morse (Florida, US, 1967)
07 - Davy Graham - Both Sides Now (London, UK, 1968)
08 - Big Jim Sullivan - Transwave Airwaves (London, UK, 1967)
09 - Sandy Bull - Gotta Be Juicy (Or Ain't Love) (California, US, 1972)
10 - Peter Walker – Mellowtime (Massachusetts, US, 1970)
11 - Jim Sullivan Sound - Don't You Know What I'm Doing (London, UK, 1966)
12 - Jim Sullivan Sound - She Walks Through The Fair (London, UK, 1966)
13 - Jim Sullivan - Johnny (California, US, 1969)
14 - Jim Sullivan – UFO (California, US, 1969)
15 - Tool Shed - The Kingdom Come (US, 1971)
16 - Plastic Penny - Strawberry Fields Forever (UK, 1968)
17 - Good Rats - For The Sake Of Anyone (NY, US, 1969)
18 - Ultimate Spinach - Baroque #1 (Massachusetts, US, 1968)
19 - The Pretty Things - Defecting Grey (London, UK, 1968)
20 - The Churchills - So Alone Today (London & Tel Aviv, UK, Israel,1969)
21 - Curtis Knight - Hush Now (Kansas, US, 1967)
22 - The Music Machine - Hey Joe (California, US, 1966)
23 - Damin Eih, A. L. K., & Brother Clark - Return Naked (Minnesota, US, 1974)
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